
Display Flex justify-content Tutorial

The justify-content property in CSS is used within a flex container to align and distribute space among flex items along the main axis (which is horizontal by default). Here’s a breakdown of the values you can use with justify-content: flex-start:

MJ Info’s Animated Required Fields Validation

Select option constantly blink when doesn’t field. And you can also follow JQuery if else condiotion.

What is flex-direction?

The flex-direction property in CSS is used within a flex container to define the direction in which flex items are laid out. It establishes the main axis along which items are placed and determines the direction of the main axis

What is flex-wrap?

The value wrap tells the flex container to allow flex items to wrap onto multiple lines if they don’t fit in a single line. This is useful for creating responsive layouts where items can wrap into new rows or columns

How to get category name in wordpress by post id sql query?

Go to your Database and click on Table and run this Sql Code

How to use WordPress get Recent Posts in PHP?

The most appropriate use for get_posts is to create an array of posts based on a set of parameters. It retrieves a list of recent posts or posts matching this criteria. get_posts can also be used to create Multiple Loops,

Display Flex Online Tutorial

“Display: flex” is a powerful CSS property used to create flexible, responsive layouts. When you apply display: flex to a container, it makes its child elements (known as flex items) flexible and aligns them in a row or column, depending

Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Business

With a small business, getting be challenging due to less visibility and lack of resources (like budget or time). Whether you are struggling with a limited budget, the time restraints caused by having a small team, or even a lack

How to Hide Featured Images on Individual Posts in WordPress

To easily hide featured images from WordPress posts, we recommend using the Conditionally Display Featured Image plugin. It gives you the option to hide individual featured images on WordPress posts. Step 1 : Install and Active Conditionally display featured image

How to send an email in WordPress using PHP?

php files, you can call the wp_mail() function to send an email: wp_mail(“name@example.com”, “Subject”, “Message”); WordPress will send an email with the SMTP credentials you entered into the wp-config. php file. You can use wp_mail. The good thing about wp_mail