
User Information and Currency Convert API

Currency Convert to USD to IP Address Country Currency

How to add Color Picker in Input?

To style an input type=”color” in CSS, you can customize its appearance using the following properties. However, keep in mind that the actual color picker UI is controlled by the browser and can’t be fully styled. You can style the

How to Disable Weekends In jQuery Datepicker?

beforeShowDay: This function is called for each day in the datepicker and allows you to specify whether a given day should be selectable.date.getDay(): This method returns the day of the week as a number, where 0 represents Sunday and 6

How to Create a Custom Login Page in WordPress?

Creating a custom login page in WordPress can enhance the user experience and improve branding. Redirect the Default Login URL To prevent users from accessing the default login page, you can add this code to your theme’s functions.php file

How do I get data from a table in WordPress?

To display posts by category in WordPress, you can use various methods depending on your needs and comfort with coding.

How to get Category wise Post in WordPress?

Cricket is Category Name

How to filter a html table using simple Javascript?

Creating a table filter using JavaScript or jQuery is a great way to enhance user experience when dealing with large datasets. Below is a simple example that demonstrates how to implement a table filter:

Form Validation in Javascript

Form validation is essential for ensuring that user inputs meet specific criteria before submission. Here’s a basic example of how to perform form validation using both plain JavaScript and jQuery. HTML Javascript

How do I close the form after submission?

To close a form window after submitting, you can use JavaScript to handle the form submission and close the window.

Only Number Input Validation in Javascript

To restrict input to only numbers in JavaScript, you can use the <input> element with the type attribute set to "number". Additionally, you can add some JavaScript to handle input validation if needed.