Display Flex

Display Flex justify-content Tutorial

The justify-content property in CSS is used within a flex container to align and distribute space among flex items along the main axis (which is horizontal by default). Here’s a breakdown of the values you can use with justify-content: flex-start:

What is flex-direction?

The flex-direction property in CSS is used within a flex container to define the direction in which flex items are laid out. It establishes the main axis along which items are placed and determines the direction of the main axis

What is flex-wrap?

The value wrap tells the flex container to allow flex items to wrap onto multiple lines if they don’t fit in a single line. This is useful for creating responsive layouts where items can wrap into new rows or columns

Display Flex Online Tutorial

“Display: flex” is a powerful CSS property used to create flexible, responsive layouts. When you apply display: flex to a container, it makes its child elements (known as flex items) flexible and aligns them in a row or column, depending