
Difference between Html and Html5

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and HTML5 are both languages used to structure and present content on the web, but HTML5 is the latest version of HTML with several advancements and new features. Here are the key differences between HTML and

HTML5 Form Validation With the “pattern” Attribute

The pattern attribute in HTML5 is used to specify a regular expression (regex) that the value of an input field must match in order to be considered valid. This can be particularly useful for enforcing specific formats for text input

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is the language of the internet. It is the standard text formatting language used for creating and displaying pages on the Internet HTML documents are made up of the elements and the tags

School Conversation

What school did you go to?I went to S.M high school, founded in 1937. आप कौन से स्कूल जाते थे?मैं 1937 में स्थापित एस.एम हाई स्कूल में गया। Where is the school located?It’s located in New Delhi, India. स्कूल कहाँ

Sport Conversation

What sport do you like?I like playing badminton. आपको क्या खेल पसंद है?मुझे बैडमिंटन खेलना पसंद है. Is it easy to play that sport?Yes, it’s pretty easy to play. क्या वह खेल खेलना आसान है?हाँ, इसे खेलना बहुत आसान है।

Phone Conversation

Do you usually talk on the phone?Yes, I do. It’s a good way to keep in touch. क्या आप आमतौर पर फ़ोन पर बात करते हैं?हा करता हु। यह संपर्क में रहने का एक अच्छा तरीका है। What was your

Jewelry Conversation

What’s your favorite item of jewelry?Well, I have quite a lot of ornaments, but my favorite one is a necklace. आभूषणों में आपकी पसंदीदा वस्तु क्या है?वैसे तो मेरे पास बहुत सारे आभूषण हैं, लेकिन मेरा पसंदीदा एक हार है।

Fashion Conversation

What style do you choose to wear?Well, my favorite piece of clothes is a dress. Depending on the situation, I choose a formal or informal dress to wear. आप पहनने के लिए कौन सी शैली चुनते हैं?ख़ैर, कपड़ों का मेरा

Accident Conversation

Have you ever been in any traffic accident?Yes, three years ago. क्या आप कभी किसी यातायात दुर्घटना का शिकार हुए हैं?हाँ, तीन साल पहले. What happened?I was hit by a car while crossing the road. क्या हुआ?सड़क पार करते समय

Travel Conversation

How many places have you traveled to?I’ve visited all the provinces throughout my country. आपने कितनी जगहों की यात्रा की है?मैंने अपने देश के सभी प्रांतों का दौरा किया है। Who do you usually go with?I often go with my